Friday, July 13, 2012

Stop Being a Cranky Baby! recently pointed out 5 excuses cranky people make when they're feeling super cranky and want to take it out on other people .  What do you think?  Do you agree with the list?
I'm a really cranky person and I am guilty of making all of these excuses ... and in all of the ways they are intended.  But are these excuses always excuses?
According to
Excuse: "Who Gives a Shit What they Think?"
AKA: "No one asked for your opinion."
Dangerous because: creates attitude of, "Nothing I do is wrong.  Anyone who disagrees is just stupid."
My opinion:
I disagree, but only to some extent.  I think that as long as your default reaction isn't, "Who gives a shit what they think?" then it can be a valid and sometimes useful reaction.
Think about Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion! The dumb mean girl Romy told where to shove her opinion was just a terrible person who put magnets on the back of people's back braces and just messed with people in general. My point is, consider the source of who is pointing out your faults.  Is it some random troll on the internet who is mean to everyone they don't like, or is it your best friend who baked you a magical sugar-free birthday cake that tasted like the real thing?  If someone is telling you to watch their mouth is it someone who is offended by every little thing that isn't the words "goody, goody, gosh?" or is it a parent trying to make sure their children remain in a positive, life-affirming environment?
Let's face it-why would you validate the opinion of a common bully or someone who is a little bit off? Even if other people value this person's opinion (usually out of fear of being criticized), always consider your source carefully before you decide who it is that needs to change.

However, if you're mouthing off at your boss, that's probably never a good idea.
According to
Excuse: "If They're Not Apologizing, Then Neither Am I!"
AKA: "If that's going to be your attitude, we just won't go out at all!"
Dangerous because: "I'm behaving this way because you made me."
My opinion:
I agree when it comes to the situations John points out in his article.  This is such a passive-aggressive and manipulative way to be. However, there are some situations that deserve a little drama. Maybe the slight isn't as small as who left the dog doo on the floor or offered to buy a hooker for grandpa.  Maybe your best friend missed your wedding just to go to Dunkin' Donuts, so you called her up and gave her what for. Should you be sorry for that?  No!  That's just insensitive.  Sometimes the other party really is at fault.
According to
Excuse: "He'll Get Over It."
AKA: "Man up, and stop being a pussy"
Dangerous because: It says that some feelings belonging to others are just not important enough to own up to being wrong.
My opinion:
I totally agree that we should not teach others to bottle up their feelings just because they seem petty to us. I'm also guilty of this one ... but what may have seemed petty to me at the time might have been a very big upset to whoever I was talking to.
At the same time, we can't fix every feeling in the whole world.  If after making it up to the person you are disagreeing with they might still be a big mopey.  I don't think this is a reason to self flagulate. This is the point where I console myself by saying, "Meh, don't worry it about it, they'll get over it." Yeah, it might be an excuse, but it's after I've done everything I can to make things right.
According to
Excuse: "I wasn't really trying, LOL."
AKA: "Oh these old rags? It's just some old clothes I threw together."
Dangerous because: It's hard to admit to rejection and so easy to lie and say, "I put no effort into this so it doesn't merit judgment!"
My opinion:
I DO THIS!!!!  I always do this.  I am terrified of rejection and being judged and therefore usually do not really try hard at anything. Even while playing petty games I rather not try to win but just have fun so if I do lose I can say, "Meh, whatevs."
I don't think this makes me a jerk, though.  It's important to know that as long as you genuinely are just goofing off and don't care about the results, it's fine. Just know it's an insult to those who really are trying to beat high scores and hone their craft ... and maybe they want to see you turn out something fantastic too so they can cheer you on.
According to
Excuse: "I'm an asshole and I'm proud of it."
AKA: "I don't take shit from anyone."
Dangerous because: You get into a mindset where you're always right and everyone else is always wrong which is unrealistic.
My opinion:
Do you really want nobody to like you? John is right, on TV, this type of person is where it's at.  The Santana Lopezes and Dr. Houses of the world are sexy when they beat others down--but who actually want to be around the person who does this?  There was this woman in my office who used to do this all the time.  Now she does it less and people really love being around her more than they did when she was  a supposed badass.

It's easy to be a jerk when you're cranky, and we're all going to make mistakes and not own up to them.  Life is better and more fun when you're loving to others and spend time appreciating their good qualities instead of tearing down their bad ones.

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