Sunday, June 24, 2012

My musings on: STUFF I PUT ON MYSELF: a makeup blog: Washin' Hair + Keeping It Washed

"STUFF I PUT ON MYSELF: a makeup blog: Washin' Hair + Keeping It Washed: I thought I would write about haircare today.  I don't mean to keep mentioning that I am writing stuff because I got requests for posts..."

Okay, I love Natalie Dee so hard ... why? Not only because she pens amazing comics, or because she's cuter than buttons (why do people say buttons are cute?), but because her beauty blog covers such basic how-tos for real slackers like me. If it was up to me I would never shave or do anything to be pretty and would lay outside in the mud all day.  Since I'm not a crazy mud layabout, I glitter paint my nails and sometimes wear dresses.

However, Natalie Dee doesn't allow comments on her blog and I just wanted to say something about her hair care routine, the one where it allows others to not wash their hair for most of the week. After using a bunch of products in the right way she can get away with four days without washing her hair, which is awesome. I can get on board with that kind of slackery.  However, I think it's very important to at least wash bangs (or fringe as it's called now) every other day. Seriously, that hair is all over the face and can lead to acne if not cleared of oils.  If hair is going to be up anyway the third day, why not pull bangs out of the shower cap and soap 'em on up?  Seriously, you'll smell so much better too.   I find that if I wash my bangs every other day I can get away without washing my whole head even longer using her routine.

I have different hair than Natalie, though.  It's thin and naturally curly.  I had a friend once who told me if I stopped coloring my hair it wouldn't be curly anymore but she was wrong--it just became a different color and still curly after a year of growing it out.  I find not washing it daily can be beneficial, but nothing is more gross than dirty, clumpy fringe.  Fringe should always be shiny and awesome.  Yay, fringe!

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